Previous incidents
Chatbot Gateway, Channel Gateway, Livechat Gateway, Microsoft Teams, Microsof...
Resolved Aug 23 at 09:33am BST
Microsoft Teams Webhook and Slack recovered.
6 previous updates
Wordpress Frontend is down
Resolved Aug 01 at 04:06pm BST
Wordpress Frontend recovered.
1 previous update
Wordpress Frontend, Chatbot Gateway, Channel Gateway, Livechat Gateway, Micro...
Resolved Jul 30 at 07:30pm BST
Chatbot Gateway and Channel Gateway recovered.
9 previous updates
Chatbot Gateway, Channel Gateway, Livechat Gateway, Microsoft Teams, Microsof...
Resolved Jun 23 at 02:56pm BST
Microsoft Teams Webhook and Slack recovered.
8 previous updates
Slack is down
Resolved Jun 21 at 09:09am BST
Slack recovered.
1 previous update
Chatbot Gateway, Channel Gateway, Livechat Gateway, Microsoft Teams, Microsof...
Resolved Jun 16 at 09:02am BST
Microsoft Teams recovered.
4 previous updates